Slippery Slope

I am sliding down that slippery slope again, I had 2 cans of regular Pepsi this weekend and a drumstick. Even when I eat these things, I am thinking to myself "You don't want this or need this.STOP" but I don't. My willpower has been slowly going away, and I'm not quite sure how to get it back.
It's so easy for people to look at you and say "It's easy to lose weight..just stop eating the bad stuff and work out more"  but I don't think these people truly understand the struggle that it can be to actually do these things. I have eaten whatever I want for the past 27 years, it's probably been the hardest thing I've ever done to attempt to change my eating habits.  I feel like it's a yo-yo effect and I keep going back and forth back and forth. My Fitness Pal has definitely helped to keep me accountable for my eating, but I find myself slacking back to where I was before. 

The only thing I can do is to keep on trying and hopefully one time it will actually click.

Today I will most likely have a bad dinner as I am going out for my 1 year Anniversary with my hubby tonight. I'm so looking forwrad to it! To prepare for it I packed a very small lunch and small snacks for during the day. Let's see how this plays out...


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