Day 1 of 30 Day Shred and Other things

I started 30DS yesterday, it's a short workout and she does it in circuits (Abs,Strength,cardio). It's only about 20 minutes long, but I did have my heart rate way up. However, I'm kind of disappointed that I'm not sore today. My back and my arms are a bit sore, but I was expecting the "can't even walk or laugh without hurting" type of sore that I usually get with such a full body workout. So now I have to figure out if it's because I'm not doing it hard enough (or as Jillian likes to say I'm not digging deeper) or if my body is adjusting to exercising so I'm not going to be as sore.  I know it sounds crazy to say that I like pain, but let me explain. I don't necessarily like pain,I just like what it represents. Hard work means pain, but success comes with it. So when I don't feel sore, I don't feel like I worked hard enough or accomplished anything. I hope that makes a little more sense and people don't start thinking I'm some crazy masochist or anything like that because I am so not. I am someone who cries over a paper cut,'s happened. Any who, I'm going to continue to do the 30DS because I've heard such great reviews and I'm just going to try and "dig a little deeper" and hopefully I'll be sore tomorrow.

The other thing I'm thinking of trying is a spinning class! I have heard such great things about spinning and I'm dying to try a class. I'm sure 10 minutes in I will want to fall on the floor of utter exhaustion, but hey it's worth it.  So I'm on the search for a spinning class, hopefully I can find one and not pass out during it!

Happy Tuesday all.


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