Nothing worth having was ever achieved without effort

Some days, like today, I need to remind myself that I am working towards something. 

As I was walking into work this morning there was a smell of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies or muffins in the air. This is not good for someone who is basically addicted to chocolate. Seriously, chocolate and cheese are my downfall. I walked into work, went to my desk and got my breakfast. I went down to the cafe to toast my bagel thin (which was Pumpkin Spice!) and could still smell the deliciousness of the baked goods. I walked around the area they were in and drooled a bit. I stood there and had an internal debate with myself, I could have one and split it with someone. It can't be that bad for you, can it? Then I actually had to step back and slap myself. Well not actually slap myself, but you get the point. Those delicious looking chocolate chip scones, that are so warm on the inside with the melty chocolate chips are probably about 500 calories if not more. Yup, full of butter and all kinds of fattening goodness.  So I shook my head and went back to my bagel thins and banana. 

Now I'm not saying I will never have a scone again, I just know that it just would not be worth it this morning.

I have really been pushing myself a lot lately, to work harder to eat the right things and sometimes I get into my own head. I have days (like today) where I wonder am I even doing anything? Am I even making any improvements? The past few days I've felt kind of down on myself, the reason why doesn't matter. I just have to try and get back to the state of mind that I was in, where I can do this and I am going to be one of those people who runs a half marathon and one of those people who is proud of their body and the way they look. I have to remember, 11 pounds is a lot. The fact that I have 29 more to go, doesn't matter right now. The fact of the matter is I lost that 11 and I will continue to lose.

Just one of those days.


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