What keeps me motivated?

Good Morning readers!

Today I'm going to touch on what exactly keeps me motivated. I've done posts on this before, but I don't know that I've gone into detail or mentioned some of the things that really keep me going.

I'll do it in list form because lists are fun and easier to read.

1.)  Feeling my arms and abs becoming tighter. This was a big one for me yesterday, mainly because I really did not want to work out. I was in a bad mood feeling crappy and the last thing I wanted was to hear Jillian Michaels telling me to keep going. As I started my work out, I was slacking in it (think half raising your arms, doing half a push up and stopping) was she got into some of the arm movements I noticed my biceps were actually toning up. Something I've never thought to look at before, but I actually look like I am getting small muscles. I was amazed, so I kept going and I pushed it harder on the arm moves. Then when I was laying down getting ready to do abs, I put my hand on my stomach and while that layer of fat is still there, I can actually feel them getting tighter. What a great feeling.

2.) My 10 year high school reunion. I don't think I even really need to go into to much detail on this, we all want to look freakin fantastic for our high school reunions. To make a statement to those that were mean and bullied us and say "HA HA I look great and am doing splendid!"

3.) My clothes getting looser! This has been a really big one for me. I have this pair of jeans that I bought a few years ago that I haven't been able to wear because they were always cutting off circulation. I can't wait for the day when I can wear this jeans and have them fit, perfect. They aren't anything special, just a pair of Old Navy jeans that I have been battling with for the past 3 years. One of my co-workers noticed today that my pants are not as tight and they look more comfortable. It's true the pants I'm wearing to day I couldn't have worn 2 months ago and I wore them about 2 weeks ago and it felt like my legs were little sausages.

4.) The  messages of encouragement I get from friends and family. I said yesterday that I have a hard time believing when people tell me I look great. However, when I hear from people that I am inspiring them or that they are so proud of me for doing this, that keeps me going. Thinking about it right now is bringing tears to my eyes. I have the greatest support system in my family, friends and MFP. If I were to quit now, I would be disappointing so many people.  I think that is what truly keeps me going each day. That is what keeps me from eating that whole cupcake and chugging a regular coke.

Alright, well that's enough rambling for today!


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