“Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.” ~Henry Ford

That really struck a chord with me. The biggest part of weight loss and staying in shape is really believing in yourself. I have been trying to lose weight for the past 4 years or so I'd say, this is the only time that I have lost anything significant. I know why that is now, I didn't believe in myself before. Every time I would start my weight loss journey, I would get into my own head and tell myself that I wasn't good enough or that this was impossible Looking back, I really wasn't dealing with the actual issue and was only dealing with the surface issue (my weight).

Every day (as cheesy as it sounds) I try to remind myself that I am actually doing something and that no matter what the choice I make with my food or my exercise, it effects me in some way.  There is such a cycle with becoming overweight and you really can't see it until you are ready to. You start by eating a little bit extra at dinner or snacking a little more during the day then you stop running or working out. The pounds pile on and before you know it you are overweight (I really hate the word fat). Then once you are overweight you get depressed and unfortunately as most of us do, you eat more. Which makes things worse because then you get even more overweight.. and then you get even more depressed..and guess what? you eat more. Before you know it, you aren't fitting into your clothes anymore and you hardly recognize the person in the mirror. I honestly didn't recognize myself when I first started this and when I started I blamed everyone else except myself. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks (which I think I posted about in one of my first posts) this is my fault. The good thing was that it wasn't to late and I could turn it around. It's never to late to take your own health an fitness into your own hands. As long as you have a pulse and are breathing, you can be in control.

I have lost 11 pounds so far (I still haven't weighed myself and don't plan to until Saturday) but that 11 pounds has made a big difference.  It has helped me continue on when I really want to eat something that is deliciously bad for me. It kicked my ass into working out last night. About my workout last night, level 2 of the 30 day shred, really is NO JOKE. Jillian Michaels is out to kill you. She even SAYS I want you to feel like you are going to die. I hated her for those 20 minutes. If I could have reached through the tv and slapped her, I probably would have. The good thing about it though? I felt AMAZING afterwards. So, her program definitely does what she sets out to do.

Alright folks, that's all for today!


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