It feels like I am getting my body back

This is exactly how I feel today. I feel like I am getting my body back, truly. I am walking with more confidence than I have in a very long time, my head is held high. This is a good thing. Today is a good day.

One of the reasons I feel so good today is that I am wearing a pair of pants that I haven't been able to wear in a year and a half. They are black NY&CO pants that are a size 8!   I mean, they are a bit snug and I know later on after I've had lunch I'll be a bit uncomfortable, but the fact of the matter is that they fit. This is also coming from the girl who 2 months ago was buying a size 14 pants from Kohls.

I have to be honest, I feel like this is almost surreal . For whatever reason I feel like one day I'm going to wake up and all 11 pounds will be back on me.  I think this is also the reason I'm so afraid to have any type of "cheat days". I'm wondering if this is normal and if the other girls I know who are trying to lose weight/have lost weight feel the same way. Someone once told me that I need to start accepting that good things happen to me and that I have to stop waiting for the "other shoe to drop". This isn't an easy thing to change.  I'm working on improving who I am both inside and out.

I guess I am a work in progress.


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