Becoming a real "runner"?

Let's go back about 5 and a half years ago, I was a walker. I loved it. I would grab my first generation iPod (remember the one with the turny wheel on it? Yep. That one) and go out and just walk. I used to walk every day about 4 miles a day after work, day or night. I loved it.  I didn't care how cold it was or how hot, as long as I was out there.  I never thought of running, I always said to people "I can't run, I have asthma" or "I get shin splints which make it impossible to run longer than 5 minutes".

Fast forward to today, I can run for 35 minutes straight on the treadmill, I can run for 3 miles. Straight. How the heck did I end up here? Honestly, I don't know where it came from. I don't know where I got this strength from to keep going even though it hurts.  I have said this before and I will say it again, I hate running. No really, I do!  I hate it while I'm doing it and every second I have to remind myself that I've done this before and that it hurts now, but it'll be worth it when I'm done. The pain won't last forever, but the glory will. So I keep running, I keep going until my time is done and then I step off the treadmill (or I get home if I'm running outside) and I get this overwhelming sense of pride and joy. I still can't believe I have run 5, 5k races and I'm going to be running a 9K race in May. Who do I think I am? I am not a runner. Nope. A runner can run long distances for long periods of time... right? Nah, a runner is someone who puts themselves out there, day in and day out. Who knows the feeling of the pavement beneath your sneakers and who knows the pride of reaching your goals and blasting through them. That is a runner. So, I guess I am a real runner now.

I don't think I will ever run the Boston Marathon, but if I can get to the point where I can run a half marathon I will be happy. But hey, nothing is impossible..right?


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