The Jeans.

Awhile back I posted about a pair of jeans that I own. I have had these jeans for awhile (5 years at least)and probably have only been able to wear them comfortably maybe once.  I had worn them to work a couple weeks ago, but they still had that tight feeling and I was so uncomfortable in them.

Well today is Friday and Friday is jeans day. I put those jeans on and I'm so comfortable in them. They are still a bit tight, but they are tight in the right ways. These jeans are a size 8. When I started this whole journey, I was a size 14. My body has made so many changes in the right direction and it's responding so well to exercise.  It just amazes me that this is actually working, that it is actually paying off.  I keep having to remind myself when I try to put on pants that are three sizes too big "those don't fit anymore, they are way to big"  and I get giddy. 

I have 18 pounds to go, I am looking forward to the day when these jeans are big on me :)

Side note: If you like sports and you like Boston..check out my husband and his friends page!


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