Good days and Bad days

Just like everyone else, I have good days and bad days. I have days where I really think that I should just throw in the towel, that it isn't worth it. On these days I feel exhausted, tired of counting calories and tired at the thought of exercise.  I still do it though. On the good days, those are the days where I am energized and feel great about everything I've done and where I've come from.

The good part about all of this is that the good days are definitely starting to outweigh the bad days. I'd be lying if I said that any of this had been easy. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't feel like I wanted to give up and go back to eating whatever I want sometimes, but my progress and my success have kept me going.

Last night for instance, I had a work out that wasn't bad. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad. I had a stressful day at work and all I wanted to do was eat sweets. I wanted something chocolate. However, I had already eaten my dinner (a small meatball sub from Papa Ginos which was 870 calories!)  and only had 50 calories left for the day. I drank a bottle of water instead and curbed my appetite.  I've tried to eat smarter as well as eating less. I try to eat a lot more vegetables and what not. The only days of the week I really indulge are on the weekends, that's my next hurdle. I have to come up with some type of schedule on the weekends of what I eat. I have to incorporate my fruit and yogurt into my breakfast on the weekends, a salad for lunch and then indulge a bit on dinner.  It will be tough for the next few months, since we are in the process of buying a house/moving etc. but I'm going to have to buckle down and make it work. I think that having goals is keeping me looking forward and preventing me from looking back. I can look towards my goal of eating better on the weekends, losing 18 more pounds and toning my muscles. I don't want to look back at how sad I was 6 months ago and how awful I felt. 

This whole thing is a process and it's a change to my entire way of life, it's taken time for me to realize what I needed to do, but here I am six months in and I'm feeling better every day.


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