Breaking bad habits

I am like most people and have quite a few bad habits when it comes to food.  Breaking these habits is not easy and is almost like breaking off a relationship.."Dear Diet's not's me..well..actually it is you.."

I have been addicted to soda for as long as I can remember, seriously. When I was younger I don't think I even drank water at all, unless I was sick. Even then, it wasn't water it was juice.  I probably drank about 4 cans of soda a day. This is actual, regular coke, mountain dew, jolt (remember that stuff?) etc. I couldn't get enough of the stuff. I refused to drink diet coke or anything else because I just didn't like the taste and thought what's the point? Well as I got older, I started drinking diet coke, coke zero etc. (Not a fan of Pepsi..can you tell??)  instead, trying to save on calories..then I hit a few phases where I told myself  I would give it up for good "No more soda, just water!" well that never lasts. How can I give up something that I have been drinking and enjoying for 27 years? It would start out as "one diet coke wouldn't hurt" next thing I know I'm back to drinking it at every meal. So when I started trying to lose weight this time, I knew I had to either cut soda out completely or limit my intake. So far, I've been doing pretty well. I have limited it to one soda a day and drank water the rest of the time. I know how bad it is for you, but I just can't leave it alone for good. Now though, I do have guilt when I drink it. I think of how bad the sugars are in it and usually I don't even finish a whole bottle or can. I call this progress! I also try and drink three large bottles of water a day, it doesn't always happen but at least I am drinking way more water and I recognize when I need water and not caffeine.  Around 2pm I always hit that "I can't keep my eyes open" slump. Instead of drinking soda or coffee, I drink a bottle of water. Which usually helps keep me awake and focused until 5.  It's slow, but I'm making progress in my addiction to soda. I don't know if I'll ever be able to give it up completely, but I'm just really glad to have come this far with it.


  1. I feel your pain...I'm trying to curb my diet Coke addition! I started only drinking the mini cans of soda. That seemed to help.


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