Seeing major differences

I remember when I first started this whole journey, I had this thing where I just needed to see a difference. It was so hard for me to keep going until things started looking and feeling better.  Now that I am about 6 months in (wow, time really flies!) I definitely see and feel a major difference.

I know I've posted pictures and somewhat about how I've felt in the past few months, but I don't think I've really given credit to how far I've come. I am my own worst enemy and my own biggest critic, we all are aren't we? I have come very far, I've lost 23 pounds. That is something. That is an accomplishment and something that I can be proud of. Do I have a ways to go? Yes, but 17 pounds is a whole lot better than 40. 17 is doable and feels way more attainable than 40 did when I first started.  As time goes on, I'm noticing not only changes in my appearance but the way that my body feels. The way I react to certain things and how much stronger I feel from working out.  I've worked out for a few weeks and I find that I am really pushing myself to the limits of what I can lift and how far I can run. I've had times when I felt like I was going to die while on the treadmill, but I kept going, I kept PUSHING and I have achieved some of my running goals.  ALL of my clothes fit now (except for some that are to big!). This is a great feeling, I have had the motivation and determination to actually achieve my goals. It not only helps me with being healthier and feeling better but it has given me a lot more confidence in myself.

With that being said, I'm not stopping. Even once I reach my goal weight, I'm going to set up new goals. Maybe not to lose more weight,  but to tone my arms,legs, stomach etc. To look the way I want to look and be satisfied with what I see when I look in the mirror.


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