I finally broke the 4 mile barrier!

Last night after I wrote my blog post on running, I felt motivated. It was my cardio day so I knew I could focus on running only and I was happy about that. One full hour devoted to running, it was perfect.

I started slow and kept at an even pace, I usually keep an eye on the mile counter, but not last night. I just went with it. I had to stop for about 5 minutes at the 20 minute and the 45 minute mark due to a serious cramp in my right side. I didn't stop, but I slowed down. So as I got closer and closer to the end I switched to see how many miles I had run (I figured it was around 4) to my surprise it was around 5. Holy cow. When all was said and done I had pretty much ran for an hour and had run 5.50 miles. I really didn't think I could do it, I kept having to remind myself that I've done this before (which was a lie, I had never run past 35 minutes before) and I would run down a check list in my head: Am I breathing? Yes. Does my chest hurt? No. Do I have any sharp pains in my legs? No. Am I alive? Yes. So once I finished telling myself that I am in fact not dying, I felt a bit better about continuing the run. It was a serious mind game. Last night when I got home, my mother in law asked me if I had a sunburn. My face was that red.  It was intense. I was absolutely exhausted and when I fell asleep, it was a nice deep sleep. It was worth it though and I'm going to continue to do it on my non weight training days. I figure if I keep doing it, I'll eventually not feel like dying when I'm finished, right? :)

In other news, I didn't weigh in last week so I decided to do it today. I lost another pound! woohoo!  Hopefully I can continue the trend of working out 3-5 days a week, because that has really been the difference maker for me.

Anywho. Hope everyone has a great day!


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