Stop Torturing yourself.
If you are like me and are overweight and trying to lose weight (no this is not the start to a cheesy infomercial, I promise) you torture yourself. Every day you scold yourself for letting it get to this point. You question yourself and berate yourself for not losing weight before, or for giving up on previous endeavors. Stop it. This is not beneficial and does not help! This is what hinders progress, what brings you back to the point where you want to give up. As hard as it is, you need to look at the positives of who you are. It also helps to look towards the future. For me, when I started this whole thing my confidence was in the toilet. Regardless of what anyone said to me about how I looked, I didn't believe them. When I say I couldn't look in the mirror without want to cry, it's the truth. I still have those moments, but I am looking to what I am doing now and starting to believe in myself. This is something I don't know that I have ever fully done. When t...