And we're back to our regularly scheduled program.

What a nice long weekend I had, I enjoyed time with my family and my in laws. Lovely.

I didn't do a lot of exercise over the weekend, unfortunately. I tried to eat well for the most part granted Saturday I think I failed that by going to a Tarot card party and eating tons of snacks, otherwise I was good though! Yesterday I was bored, so I decided that I was going to go for a run. Well my iphone hadn't been charged all weekend and was on 20% battery life, so I decided to charge it. While charging it I did a "supreme body workout" ondemand. Wow. I am SORE today, after I did that my phone finished charging and I went for a 5 mile run/walk! Wow! It felt good to get out there! Today I'm planning on doing a toned down version of what I did yesterday and then Wednesday I will do a full force workout again. 

I'm feeling good and hoping that I can keep myself on track. I have a goal of losing 10lbs by November and I believe I can get there. I also realised this weekend that I have to really start believing in myself, I am the only person who can motivate me (Friends and Husband do help a lot though!).  If I don't believe that I can do it, and I think to myself that I am going to be "fatty mcfattypants" for the rest of my life, then I will be. I have to really have some faith in myself, which is something that I have always struggled with.  Appearance is so important to me, and I really have to learn to not focus on that so much. What I look like doesn't necessarily matter, it's what I FEEL like. If I feel beautiful, sexy and confident..then I will be beautiful, sexy and confident.  So that is my new "thing" In order to be it. Feel it.

I'll be working on that a lot and I know every day will be a struggle for me, but I have a lot of support and love. I can get there. :)

OK. That's all I have for you today. Peace!


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