Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who has been reading this and telling me about it. You are all wonderful and doing more for me than you know. It is such a amazing feeling knowing that I have supporters. The past few days I have had a lot of people telling me that I inspire them or I motivate them. I never ever ever thought that I would be someone anyone would say that to. I honestly feel like this is a day to day process and I am just doing what need to be done to stay on track. I can't thank you all enough for the wonderful things that you have said to me.  :)

I have been having a very stressful day, usually when I have these days I am the first person to reach for a bag of chips or a nice big order of greasy fries.  Not today, today I opted for my usual hummus and cheese sandwich on wheat thins and a small salad that included some garbanzo beans, mushrooms, spinach, olives and quinoa. I did rebel a bit and get the lite ranch dressing, but I just couldn't cut the whole thing out. While at lunch, my co-workers told me they really admire what I am doing. That they have seen a change in the way I eat and how I look at food in the past few months. I said thank you but I don't think that I have done anything majorly different. One co-worker said he couldn't imagine eating the way I eat every day and not going crazy. Another said I have started to snack a lot less and the food choices I make are incredible and she wishes that she could eat the way that I do every day and that it really has started to show in the way I look. I really kept telling them that I do make bad food choices still, I just keep myself accountable by counting my calories and when I have bad days, I work out just a little bit harder. I do have days where I would tackle a small child for Wendy's cheeseburger, but they really are becoming few and far between. I look at those foods in calorie form now. Not to say that there is anything wrong with eating Wendy's, you can absolutely have it and stay within range for the day. It's really about the choices you make. I still am working to understand why certain foods are good for you and what makes them better than others. For example, in the past when I started a diet I would cut out all of my "Real" food and eat all 100 calorie packs or things that were just low in fat. I was losing weight but not keeping it off and I couldn't figure out why. I wasn't eating fruit and I wasn't eating enough protein. It's really all about eating natural foods, processed foods and sugars make you feel sluggish and don't stay in your system nearly as long. Which is why, when eating all those diet foods it never stayed off.  I now eat 2-3 servings of fruit a day, I just need to work on my veggie intake. I do like veggies, I just have to figure out which ones I can take with me to work so I can eat them as snacks, because I still do have tons of those weight loss foods in my drawer at work. I just try to choose fruit over anything snacky like that.  

I also wanted to mention something that has really been bothering me. I watch TMZ  a lot, it's funny and it's something mindless to unwind to at the end of the day. Well there is one girl on there that is constantly bashing Jessica Simpson for how fat she is. I want to punch this girl straight in the face. I am not a major Jessica Simpson fan at all, but I can definitely see where she is coming from with her weight loss. We all lose weight in different ways and at different times. Yes, Jessica was paid a BIG sum of money from WW to lose the weight she put on during her pregnancy, however it is so unfair to criticize her for not taking it off right away. There are women out there who can lose weight after they have a baby at the drop of a hat. When that happens, it makes me think they aren't going about it in a healthy way (not saying that is entirely the case all the time!) . Jess is in the media all the time, her baby is what 2 or 3 months old? Come on now, she put on quite a bit of weight during her pregnancy and it takes time to lose that. So how dare you little miss skinny who clearly has no issues with her body curly hair say that she is fat and gross. I would like to see you after you have a child and see how great you look. This same girl has also made comments on how "easy" it is to lose weight, I think she is in her early 20's. Come talk to me when you hit 35 and your metabolism slows down and every bite you take goes straight to your hips. Losing weight is NOT easy and it is the most excruciating mind game you play with yourself. Even if you are in the media spotlight, you shouldn't be bashed for not losing weight immediately after you have a child. Shame on you girl who I have no idea what your name is.

Anywho, that is my ramblings for today! Thank you again to all of those who read this, it truly means a lot to me.


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