
We all have them, those really annoying almost impossible to ignore cravings for things that are on the naughty list. My two main cravings are chocolate and cheese (not together cause..ew). How do you get past these cravings without giving in? You don't. When I have a craving I have started to do a few things to make sure I really want to have those extra calories. 1.) I will drink a whole bottle of water, which usually will fill me up. This takes my mind off the craving and usually I don't really want anything after that. 2.) I eat a jolly rancher (these have about 23 calories but will distract me long enough to keep my craving at bay) 3.) I will get up and take a walk around or do something to keep my mind busy. If after all these things I still NEED to have cheese or a piece of chocolate I will indulge. However, since I distracted myself a bit I find myself eating a lot less and I will only have a snack size piece of candy or a string cheese. I also look at everything in calories now instead of how it tastes which has really helped me. Previously in the afternoon I would have 2 or 3 snacks which were either chips of some sort or frozen yogurt and now when I know I had a big lunch I will make sure to have a piece of fruit and maybe a few triscuits.

I really have started to realize how awful my eating habits were before.  I think about what I used to eat and realize I was probably eating about 4-5 thousand calories a that is double what I eat now, no wonder I gained so much weight and my thyroid went crazy. Not to mention that I wasn't eating any fruit or veggies.  

This weekend I'm planning on cooking skinny taste pumpkin turkey chili for my family, I hope they like it! is my favorite website to find good low calorie healthy recipes.  They are also usually easy to make and good for someone who works full time and may not have enough time at night to prepare a big meal.

Well that's all I have for today....except this.....
Happy Friday!


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