Change is necessary.

I started to think about what I should write about today and I was feeling very uninspired. I haven't been working out the past 2 weeks as much as I should be and I am just not feeling motivated. This brought me to the realization of what I need to do: Change.

I've said it before and I will say it again, running sucks. I feel great after I do it, but before and during it is pure torture. I get bored, my mind never goes into the "zone" that other runners say they get into. The only time I get excited about running is during races. However, to get to be in the race I have to run and I have to train, otherwise I will just go back to where I was before (walking the entire race). So, how do I keep myself motivated to run or to exercise at all? I try different things!  I ordered Jillian Michaels 30 day shred today and I am looking forward to trying it, I've heard nothing but good reviews. I love those workout videos, I really do. The ones ondemand really get me motivated. However, I find that those can be kind of unpredicatble and sometimes you just can't find a good one. I figure I will give Jillian a shot and see how I do. What does this have to do with running? Well after I do one of these workouts I feel much more motivated to do more. Crazy, right?  This is the adjustments that I have to constantly make to my routine so I don't get bored with it and give up as I have in the past.

I also have decided to try and dedicate myself to at least one race a season. I signed up for the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving. My co-workers looked at me as if I was nuts when I told them "you are going to give up sleeping in and relaxing on Thanksgiving to run a race?" Yes, yes I am. My plan is to burn enough calories so that I can actually enjoy my Thanksgiving dinner without stressing about the amount of calories I'm burning.  I'm already looking for one to do on Christmas Eve morning.  I'm hoping that by doing these races every few months I keep myself in shape over the holiday season. 

Ah well, back to the grind.


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