Heroes 5k

Yesterday was the big day, I did the 9/11 Heroes 5k.  I woke up Sunday and I felt so sore, my right leg which had been bothering me recently was really hurting me. My first thought was "Oh no. I'm not going to be able to do the race" but I got up and walked around a bit, stretched it out and felt a lot better after about 20 minutes.

We arrived at the race and I was stunned at how few people were there. I figured that something that had been advertised on TV and was for the Heroes of 9/11 would have thousands of people at it. Nope, it was a pretty small race.  I got my swag bag, which had a t-shirt, dog tag, water bottle and other various coupons. The t-shirts are awesome, they are really soft cotton so they are good for running.

Anyway, I left my hubby to entertain himself and got in line to start the race. After several minutes of waiting the gun went off, I paced myself and went very slowly at first. That damn leg was still bothering me, so I walked for about half a mile. Then I ran again, I kept thinking to myself "I'm so slow, I'm going to be last and it's going to be an hour" but I kept going. The neighborhoods we ran through were gorgeous,  plus with a view of the water it kept me going. I finally turned the corner and saw the finish line, I couldn't believe I had run almost the entire thing. I ran through the finish line and saw my husband standing there waiting for me and everyone cheering for me, what a great moment. I came in at 35:30 and I could not believe it. I asked hubby 3 times if that was really my time. I was so proud of myself, I couldn't believe I had finished in 35 minutes bum leg and all. It was such a great experience and I will definitely be doing that race again. 

Now I'm ready to start training for my next race, I think I'll do one in November for Thanksgiving.  Improvement is motivation, if we push ourselves to constantly do better and be better..it will happen.  I can feel my body start to slowly tone up a bit and that is an amazing feeling.

Anyway that's all for now.


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