
I failed yesterday, I did not run one bit.  I got home and just wanted to lay down and watch tv, that was it. After sucha  long day of staring at one screen all I wanted to do was stare at another. Kind of odd isn't it? Although when I am watching TV it allows me to not think, well running does that for me to. I need to start remembering that when I am running I am exhausting myself and will sleep better. When I watch TV, yes I zone out but then I think and dream weird things.

Like last night, I had a dream I was a member of SOA but was undercover in the Niners gang. OK. That came from watching Sons before bed. Note to self: Unless you want to have scary gang dreams, don't watch Sons right before bed. Same with American Horror Story, which should NOT be watched unless it is during the day with all of the lights on. Just the sound of the music is enough to make me throw all the lights on and double check under my bed to be sure the man in the gimp suit is not there (trust me, you'd have to watch the show to get it).

I will get back to the whole running thing, I know I will. I just have to slap myself in the face (not literally cause, ouch) and get my chubby legs onto that treadmill or outside. 

This was kind of a hodgepodge post. Sorry for rambling..I'm all over the place today. I blame my lack of sleep.


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