What hurts more, the pain of hard work or the pain of regret?

Last night I had a lovely dinner with a friend, I went to her house and she made me a delicious and healthy meal. It was quinoa and edamame salad with various other things in there including chicken. It was healthy and way below my calorie limit.

So when I left, I still had about 40 calories and I was done eating for the day. The entire ride home I was having an internal debate, do I really want to run? I don't need to I guess...but I should.  This went on for the entire 40 minute drive (lots and lots of traffic and random road blocks). Well I got home and I said to my hubby "I don't think I'm going to run tonight" he asked me why and I said "It's late, I'm tired" " He looked at me and said "so?" I then got annoyed and snapped at him telling him he should run. He then tells me "you say on your blog you always have excuses" so I huff into the bathroom, change into my running clothes and get on the treadmill. I ran faster than I did last night and I even finished ran almost the entire half hour.  Afterwards, I thanked him for pushing me. Sometimes we need that push to get us to realize that we are making excuses. I am so thankful I have someone that will push me and not let me just be tired and give up.

I got dressed this morning and was able to put on a skirt I have never been able to wear because it was to tight.  I got a lot of compliments this morning from co-workers because I "dressed up". It felt good.

So in closing, the pain of regret definitely would have hurt me way more than the pain of the hard work I put in last night.


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