Stop Torturing yourself.

If you are like me and are overweight and trying to lose weight (no this is not the start to a cheesy infomercial, I promise) you torture yourself. Every day you scold yourself for letting it get to this point. You question yourself and berate yourself for not losing weight before, or for giving up on previous endeavors.

Stop it.  This is not beneficial and does not help! This is what hinders progress, what brings you back to the point where you want to give up. As hard as it is, you need to look at the positives of who you are. It also helps to look towards the future. For me, when I started this whole thing my confidence was in the toilet.  Regardless of what anyone said to me about how I looked, I didn't believe them. When I say I couldn't look in the mirror without want to cry, it's the truth. I still have those moments, but I am looking to what I am doing now and starting to believe in myself. This is something I don't know that I have ever fully done.  When trying to lose weight before, I would think: I just have to lose this weight and then I can go back to normal. This is not the case. I have made a LIFESTYLE change in the way I eat and the way I act and the way I think. It isn't easy, in fact it is damn hard to do. I stopped thinking of unhealthy ways to lose weight, the gimmicks, the weight loss pills, not eating. I started to look at the things that other people who have succeeded in losing weight and have kept it off. My grandmother for instance, she has lost a substantial amount of weight and she looks amazing (for the record, I've always thought my Nana was beautiful). She made the change for herself and has done it in a healthy way and she inspires me. Now I can't imagine starving myself or even thinking to take those diet pills that a certain individual with a big ass sells, when before I would think that was the only way.

I'm losing weight slowly and it gets super frustrating at times, but I have to remember that I am doing this the right way. It has taken 27 years for all of this weight to pile on, It will not go away over night and not without hard work.

I know that I am nowhere near the end of this journey and I have a very long way to go. I know there will be days when I just want to eat an entire meal of grease and fat. I acknowledge these things and when it does happen (which it will) I will tell myself, that it is OK and that I can move on from it. 

Everything we go through is a learning experience in life.


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