Why are weekends the hardest?

Weekends are always the hardest times to stay on track. Especially weekends like this past one.  I went out on Friday night with a friend and I definitely did not think ahead with my dinner or drinks. Saturday was my Dad's birthday party so I ended up having pizza and beer among other things. Ah. Why is it that I have such a hard time on the weekends?

I know the majority of it is routine. During the week I have my routine: Go to work have coffee and breakfast (log into MFP), Have a mid morning snack at 11 (log into MFP), have lunch at 1 (log into MFP) have a snack at 4 (log into MFP) and then go home and have dinner. The routine keeps me going and helps me to stay on track. On the weekends I sleep later and don't watch what I eat nearly as carefully. Plus, I have tried to cut any type of alcohol down to only on weekend nights, which usually works out that I don't end up drinking at all but on special occasions I end up going a little crazy. 

I'm going to have to try to come up with a solution to this since the only way to lose weight is to stay on track every day.

The other issue with this weekend was my damn ankle. It had been bothering me on Thursday and all day Friday. So I decided to not push it and give it a break for a few days, which really seemed to help. It is not nearly as sore anymore and I can walk pretty easily again.  The key for me is to actually listen to my body, if it's just a sore muscle that I can deal with. However, this had been nagging at me for a week and I knew it was something other than a sore muscle. I'm going to get back to running today, hopefully my ankle is ready for it.

That's all I really have for today! I definitely have a case of the Mondays...


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